The Eclipse of Love & The War Within
The Time to Choose is Now. The answer for a better future will only be found in love, and nothing else. We must make love the priority – within ourselves and between us. [ChoozLuv]
The Time to Choose is Now. The answer for a better future will only be found in love, and nothing else. We must make love the priority – within ourselves and between us. [ChoozLuv]
What is Trauma & what does it have to do with Coaching? Without understanding it & working on healing it in ourselves, we have a high chance of perpetuating it in others, including our clients.
Informed and trauma-wise coaches are more sensitive to what’s really driving a person’s agenda (goals for coaching), and instead of being an accomplice, they can be a compassionate messenger and a gentle guide. Being informed is not enough – being wise means we act from our knowledge with virtues like compassion and courage.
What is resilience? Can we build it or cultivate it? What does the heart have to do with it?The heart of resilience, the core of it, is the capacity to come back to our true selves in a state of calm, and alignment with our true selves, after challenges, adversity, stress, pain or setbacks – one that’s only possible when the body feels safe. In this state, our bodies, minds and sense of self (spirit) are in harmony, not only with ourselves but with others…. and yes, yes we can cultivate it!