HeartRich Vision & Mission

Believing in a World where More People Live & Lead
with Greater Presence, Wisdom, Love & Purpose

What HeartRich Is All About

To be fully transparent, HeartRich was born out of my own search for answers and solutions. Answers about why we suffer, or why some of us suffer more than others in the same circumstances. And, solutions to alleviate needless suffering, improve our satisfaction with life and with ourselves, and ways to increase inner peace and wellbeing, so we can actualize our full potential and make this one life the best it can possibly be and be mindful enough to actually enjoy it now.

This search has led me on dozens of divergent paths, studying different schools of thought in psychology and science, even some esoteric and mystical. Over time, I’ve found what’s similar – what overlaps and connects – and what offers promise of beneficial effects.

Surprise, right? The heart was at the center of everything – from ancient texts to modern science.

What people implicitly trusted then, and what we need to remember now, is that we can leverage the power of our incredible hearts to help us shape our experience of life in the moment, so we can create and lead rich and meaningful lives.

What has also been at the center of nearly everything I’ve researched, studied & practiced for the past decade has been trauma. At first, I didn’t know that’s what I was looking for but it found me and kept finding me everywhere I looked. I believe in the next few years, we will all have a greater, deeper and broader understanding of trauma and how it is affecting each of our lives in many ways – psychologically, physically, relationally, and spiritually.

Over the years, I’ve implemented and practiced dozens of strategies, techniques and tools to try to help myself with anxiety, depression, stress, pain, fatigue, and the effects those conditions had on my life. Some worked better than others. When I was certain, from research and experience, I offered the ones that worked well with my clients and friends (those who were seeking such help and guidance) as options, and if they truly tested them, I took note of the ones that worked well for them.

Through HeartRich, a Trauma-Informed Coaching & Training platform, I share these principles, strategies, techniques and tools (and new ones that will come) with anyone who wishes to enrich their lives with more presence, wisdom, love, purpose, peace, positivity, resilience, and wellbeing.

Extensive Corporate Experience Coaching Executives from:

Who’s at the Heart of This?

Self Leadership Coach, Executive Coach, Whole Life Coach, Resilience Builder, Heart-Centered Difference Maker

My name is Guy Reichard, and I am HeartRich. My vision is of a world where more people live and lead with greater presence, wisdom, love and purpose.

My mission is to help at least 1 million people learn to connect to their open-hearted Authentic Self to cultivate love, peace and presence within, so they can be a positive, powerful and loving influence on their families, communities, and environments.

As a coach, mentor and trainer for over 14 years, I’ve worked with people who crave more meaning, purpose, fulfillment and wellbeing. I help them discover their authentic selves, and clarify their deepest values to guide them in actualizing their expression of the change they wish to see in the world.

I work with the whole person, and their whole life to help people learn how to manage their inner worlds better and lead themselves and others in more heart-centered, effective and empowering ways.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you or your family or company become Heart Rich and, to learning from you too.

Why Heart Matters

Managing Our Inner Worlds

The HeartRich Resilience Fundamentals

Self Leadership Coaching

Whole Life Coaching for Self Discovery & Personal Growth

The Blog

More about me? A little more real?

I’ve been married to my partner in love and laughter and other great things for 17 years. We have a cat named Isabel and a dog named Charlie who remind us to be present and attuned to ourselves and each other and to play like kids at least once a day. Both are rescues and that is something I try to encourage everyone interested in adopting a pet to consider before buying from a breeder. You can find any breed and any age in the rescue system. I am most definitely an animal person and though I’ve gotten so much better at loving people too, to this day I still prefer the company of a dog over most people, if I’m being honest.

I’m obsessive about learning and growth. I research, study and practice new things every day – especially all things holistic health, the mind body connection, trauma healing, and personal growth. Some practices I’ve added to my repertoire in recent years include the Wim Hof Method, Yoga Nidra, Polyvagal Exercises, and Feldenkrais. All in all, I’ve been working towards healing, growth and freely living from my authentic self.

I love good coffee and good food. I love animals and feel a special connection with them. I enjoy cooking, building/repairing things around the house, and even do some car maintenance. Last year I learned how to change my own spark plugs! You can say I’m very resourceful or very frugal 😊 both are true!

I am an introvert for sure but it’s more than that. If I had to identify myself, I’d say I identify with these though I don’t get my sense of Self from them – Neurodivergent, Empath, Highly Sensitive Person. I find myself most times being a 4 on the Enneagram with a 5 wing, and an INFJ on Myers-Briggs, if that means anything to you.

I love what I do – I love being a safe person someone can open up to and begin to discover and be who they really are, living and leading more from the heart, building resilience and wellbeing, creating a meaningful life filled with presence, purpose, wisdom, and love.

I hope this helped you get to know me a bit better. Feel free to run for the hills or reach out so we can talk about working together. Or read more pages and posts and comment and share them with people you think would benefit.

Thanks for reading me!

How does this sound? Want to talk?

Whether you’re interested in coaching, resilience training or custom, heart-centered solutions, click below to set up a time to talk. I can’t wait to work with you!

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