The Eclipse of Love & The War Within

Written by Guy Reichard

December 19, 2023

The Time to Choose is Now

This will be my final post for 2023.

To say this year’s been a roller coaster of a ride would be a drastic understatement. It’s been the entire (un)amusement park, including rides that flip us and our morals upside down, the eerie hall of mirrors contorting our sense of self, and the gruesome house of horrors whose images stay with us long after we head for home.

For me, though the year brought many gifts that I deeply appreciate and am so grateful for, it is ending in contradiction and paradox.

The past couple of months, due to the atrocities of October 7th and the war in Israel, the place where I was born and whose people I love, and due to the mass unleashing of public and unabashed antisemitism (and other idiotic displays of human ugliness) across the globe, I have been seated in shock, grief, stress, and an abundance of love.

I’ll spare you the details, and will simply share what’s in my heart to share.

It’s about the war within us and between us – the war of light and darkness, love and hate, and a choice and commitment we need to make.

Whether you realize it or not, so much is in our hands, and in our hearts.

I hope, and pray, 2024 will be the year we start to turn it all around and join together in love and unity, care and compassion, peace and prosperity, healing and wellbeing.

#stophate #chooselove #fightantisemitism #bringthemhomenow

The Eclipse of Love & The War Within

We’ve been hearing a lot about good versus evil lately. Light verses darkness.

And how we long to bring more light to the world.

Where does that light come from?

It comes from the heart. From love.

What are we really saying then, when we proclaim that light will triumph over darkness?

We’re saying that love will triumph over hate.

Hate is the eclipse of love. Toxic to both bearer and target.

But love is always there, at the core of our being, for us to return to.

Hate hides it from us and puts it out of reach, robbing us of more than we realize.

The greater our state of hate, the more we are disconnected from love, from the core of who we are.

Alienated from ourselves and from each other.

Consider for a moment, what can be and has been produced in this world from hate?

And what has been and can be produced from love?

Now ask yourself, in what state are you spending the majority of your time?

Love? Hate? Somewhere in between?

If love and light are the core of who we are, then why is there so much hate in the world?

It’s evident that we’ve done a dreadful job of making love and all its gifts matter.

This might even be the greatest conspiracy yet. To make us alien from ourselves.

To not know love inside ourselves, and the peace, the power, the joy, and the wholeness it brings.

Love, we’ve made it something we don’t understand. That we don’t strive for, and don’t protect.

Instead, we live in various degrees of chronic fear and anxiety, stressed and depressed.

Never really flourishing or fulfilled, always striving, merely surviving.

The world we wish to create depends on the state we claim and commit to cultivating.

We get to choose.

We must choose.

The answer for a better future will only be found in love, and nothing else.

We must make love the priority – within ourselves and between us.

So, what’s it going to be? Love and light or hate and darkness?

Choose, now.

I choose love.


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