by Guy Reichard | Oct 25, 2024 | resilience, self leadership
Imagine a compass guiding you in life, not just to “survive” but to live deeply, meaningfully, and resiliently. The HeartRich Resilience Compass is designed with nine interconnected facets, each representing an area of your inner world and a suite of principles and processes or skillsets we can learn.
When you learn to turn these ‘Dials of Influence’ from the negative, destructive side toward the positive, life-affirming side, you begin to embody your truest self. You no longer react out of fear, avoidance, or survival; instead, you consciously choose your responses, acting with intention, clarity, and heart.
by Guy Reichard | Aug 28, 2024 | Authentic Self, leadership, resilience, self leadership, stress, trauma
Is Stress Changing Who You Are? It’s highly likely that the toll of chronic stress is silently reshaping you, and without understanding how to manage it, the risks to your wellbeing, family life, and leadership effectiveness are only growing.
I would like to share a model to help explain what might be happening, from a neurophysiological perspective, called the Window of Tolerance.
by Guy Reichard | May 14, 2024 | coherence, emotions, love, mindfulness, resilience, trauma
Lately, many of us find ourselves tossed about by tsunamis of stress, emotional adversity, and uncertainty about the future. Amidst the chaos, we can always find a profound yet often overlooked resource within us – the power of our hearts to help us generate a state of greater inner balance, harmony and coherence.
At its core, heart coherence is a tangible psycho-physiological state with profound implications for our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It’s rooted in the science of Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
by Guy Reichard | May 31, 2023 | emotions, resilience, self-development, wellbeing
Just Be Positive but only Always (blech!) The prevalent culture of toxic positivity that seems to pervade our society and social media platforms makes my stomach turn and gives me cause for concern. While I am a strong proponent of Positive Psychology, it is crucial...
by Guy Reichard | May 10, 2023 | Authentic Self, emotions, self leadership
In this article, we will explore the Change Triangle and discuss how it can help us: better understand our emotions and how to process them, be aware of automatic defenses and reduce the interference of maladaptive patterns, embrace uncomfortable inhibiting emotions so we can get closer to our true, core emotions connect with our authentic selves to foster Self Leadership, and develop the inner capacities that promote a greater sense of emotional wellbeing and resilience.